Sunday 21 September 2014

Devolution Shmevolution

Devolution Shmevolution

or how Cameron , Clegg and Miliband sold the Scots down the river

Last week , in the build up to the Scottish referendum vote , YouGov published a poll which put the Yes campaign in the lead . Until that date , David Cameron had repeatedly refused to come to Scotland to take part in the independence campaign. Up until the date the poll was published , Cameron refused to cancel any of his appointments . The next day , all appointments were cancelled , and he came to Scotland with Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband , pleading for the Scottish people to stay with the union . The trio promised us more powers if we stayed in the union. This might have swung the vote back in favour of the No campaign , as well as convince some of the undecided voters to vote No.

On September 19 , the No campaign won the referendum . David Cameron appeared on television to insist that he would work at more devolution for Scotland, but there does not seem to be any firm cohesive plans to progress this . Already , Ed Miliband has refused to agree to Cameron's plans , and there are Grumblings of dissatisfaction amongst the Tory backbenchers at Cameron's devolution plans.

Scotland is still part of the Union , but at what cost

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